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Why Believing in Magic Can Make You a More Successful Entrepreneur

Faith is a superpower, and if grace and patience are practiced along with it, miracles are guaranteed ✨

I always wanted to be a wife.

I always wanted my husband to be my partner in everything I do.

I always imagined we'd do something grand with this life.

By always, I mean since being a kid and reading fairytales 🧙‍♂️

I always felt like the oldest stories were the ones that held the most power, because if they withstood the test of time, then I could trust what they had to teach.

Magic felt real as a kid, and diminished sometime in high school and definitely by college.

Being an entrepreneur brings me back to that magic. And not just the hobbyist level business owner with a side hustle to make ends meet kind. I'm talking "I quit everything and am only using our life savings and sweat to make this train move" type of entrepreneur.

🪄 You start to break out of timelines, because you can build your own.

🪄 You start to realize you can do anything, you just have to put your mind to it.

🪄 You start to meet the right people at the right time because you're "all in" and that's the type of magnetism that made the spark.

🪄 You start to get so busy, you hire help so you can maintain your floating ease.

🪄 You start expanding because your team is VIBING because you provided the opportunity.

🪄 They start to experience magic themselves, because you brought that into the room and shared it with them.

That's only if you protect the magic 💪

The magic fades when you start to give into anxiety and doubt your faith.

My husband helps me believe in magic every day 🥂

And together, we want to show others there's a better way to run your business without letting it drag you down.

We've watched avoidable anxiety turn good people into terrible decisions makers. All because a few key operational actions were not made when they should've been.

Those actions didn't happen because the system wasn't build to support the project management of those actions items.

Send me a DM that says "more magic!" to learn more about how we can help you clear out the operations anxiety to make space for magic and miracles ✨


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